A platform to book custom services

A Social Business Platform where everyone can offer their services to others and become self-employed


A platform to find a specialist in a certain service

Project idea

The main idea of AYIO app is to provide users with an opportunity to find a specialist in different fields. If something is broken and it needs to be repaired, users can quickly access AYIO service to hire a professional. It significantly simplifies users’ life.

Target audience

This service is targeted for various categories of people which work as freelancers or want to hire a specialist on the contrary. The product is oriented on the European market first.

Project challenges
  • It was necessary to adjust quick switching between two roles - customer and vendor - to provide users with high-quality service
  • A UI and UX should be as simple and intuitive as possible
  • The main challenge for a customer was to create a functional and user-friendly platform remaining within the budget for MVP

As a result, we provided a customer with an appropriate solution that made it possible to build a service with a good-looking UI/UX and high performance.

Planning stage


Clients had vision on:

  • A simple service for searching for professionals in various niches
  • Revenue model
  • MVP feature list
  • An introduction video of each user

We’ve conducted a thorough analysis:

  • Competitive market analysis
  • Analysis of payment systems and their fees
  • Appropriate technology stack

As a result, we provide clients with:

  • Wireframes
  • Estimation
  • Technical requirements

Main features of the project

After the planning stage, our developers started working on the platform.

A complex search system

Our developers integrated a complex search that makes it possible to search by categories. Also, search engine commits to memory last requests a customer or vendor performed. A search system makes the process of search much more convenient and faster

Book Custom Services
Book Custom Services

A custom payment account

Payment profile was developed as a custom one using Stripe payment system. Custom profile allows users not to manage their accounts constantly. An account should be created once and then all funds are sent to the banking account automatically. So users get the fastest way to receive their funds

A real-time activity tracking

Developers implemented a real-time tracking of incomes and expenses. AYIO makes it possible for users to create their estimations for a certain service, and vendors can track their incomes and expenses and this receipt is available for a customer in a real-time mode

Book Custom Services

Tech stack

The following tools were used to build mobile, TV, and web apps

Book Custom Services


Client Logo
Justin Shaifer CTO at Blockbuster, TDC

We’re very happy with Androswift. They seem to work in the way that we do, and we have a close collaboration with them. Every day we talk to the developers and outline what needs to be done.

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Gustavo Peres CEO at Foodito

We found Androswift had played the main role in helping with our customized web development, web applications and plugin customization. Having Androswift on onboard gave us the confidence to say yes to all jobs! Requested project edits were returned quickly.

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Tim Savage Owner

I was at first worried about doing business with developers in another country as I am based in the UK, but I had spoken to a guy from Androswift called Kalpesh, who assured me that using Androswift for all my development work would not be a risk at all and they have proven me right.